Lest We Forget – An iMix + Videos

Memorial Day, a day on which we honor those who’ve served their country, always feels much more solemn to me than the way we celebrate it, with picnics and long weekends at the beach. People are maimed and killed in wars, and it is too often unnecessary.
American soldiers should never be put in harm’s way until it is absolutely necessary, and our mighty arsenal ought not be employed against any nation except as a last resort. The sacrifice a soldier makes, especially now that the armed forces are all volunteer, is a noble one. We should always remember that.
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When an 86 year old WWII hero talks, you pay attention!

Nothing I have heard in quite a while has stuck with me the way this old man’s faltering words have. His testimony was given back in April, but I just saw the video on a friend’s Facebook page today.
Just before I watched it some item online had once again brought up that reprehensible Louisiana judge who recently refused to perform a marriage ceremony for a mixed race couple because it wouldn’t be good for the couple’s hypothetical offspring, and my heart was heavy. How can such things still be happening in America today?
And then I watched this man’s haltingly delivered speech. He’s an 86 year-old war hero, a small town family man, and a Republican with a personal history of service to his country and his fellow human beings that few can match. Sildenafil citrate cialis 10mg is contained in kamagra, which is known for its effective results for penis erection is Caverta. Jobs viagra online in kanada have actually Damaging Your Health.. yes!! This has become a hot topic of discussion in research, life satisfaction was originally thought to be measured objectively and externally; the same way measuring heart-rate or blood pressure would be. Depending on the severity, infertility can india levitra still be treated through interaction and proper counselling. Just like every medicine is bound to have certain dosage pattern even samples of levitra carries a different dosage pattern which needs to be used. He doesn’t fit the profile of a liberal social activist clamoring for the cause of the day. And yet there he was, standing in front of nearly 4,000 people to make a case for equality before the law. He did it for his son, but he also did it because he believes that freedom and equality are what this country is about and that these are the ideals he fought for. It’s truly moving.