Lest We Forget – An iMix + Videos

Memorial Day, a day on which we honor those who’ve served their country, always feels much more solemn to me than the way we celebrate it, with picnics and long weekends at the beach. People are maimed and killed in wars, and it is too often unnecessary.
American soldiers should never be put in harm’s way until it is absolutely necessary, and our mighty arsenal ought not be employed against any nation except as a last resort. The sacrifice a soldier makes, especially now that the armed forces are all volunteer, is a noble one. We should always remember that.

We should also remember that soldiers are never the only casualties of war. Our military may use language like collateral damage, but never forget that that refers to people: men, women and children who are not combatants. This is a mix with some music that reminds me of that.
It is, of course, limited by what can be included in an iMix. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.
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