Thoughts on Remembrances of September 11

It is fitting that we pause today to remember the events of September 11, 2001 in New York, NY and Washington, DC.  It was a day in which a small group of terrorists once again reminded us just how much ideology and religious fervor can so blind the eyes of men to right and wrong to the point that they will turn aircraft loaded with innocent people into missiles to be used to commit deliberate acts of barbaric, cold-blooded murder against thousands of other innocent civilians.
It was also a day in which firefighters, police, rescue workers and even ordinary citizens committed selfless acts that taught us the meaning of heroism.  Through the coverage of 9-11 memorials and tributes, the media has done a good job of reminding us of all of this.  It has also reminded us of the deep sense of loss and the threat we face.  We’ve been called on to remember the soldiers who volunteered to fight against the terrorist threat and did not come home.  Nearly 4500 coalition forces have been killed in Iraq, and 1800 in Afghanistan (source).  The number that have been maimed or psychologically scarred is even larger.
As Americans, however, we must realize that 9-11 was a global tragedy and we were not the only ones affected…

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Annotated Bicycling Links

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  • Map My is a site where you can easily plot maps of your rides without a GPS, search for rides or routes globally, keep track of your routes including distances, and even calculate how many calories you’ve burned on one route versus another.  There is a companion iPhone app, and perhaps for other mobile, GPS enabled apps, too.
  • Bikes Belong Coalition Bikes Belong’s mission is to put more people on bicycles often by working with the federal government to maximize federal funding for bicycling, awarding grants to help create more and better places to ride, sponsoring programs to help cities and towns become more bicycle-friendly, promoting bicycling to get more people riding and cultivating cooperation throughout the bicycle industry
  • Bicycle for Humanity began in September 2005 with the simple aim of enabling people to raise funds and collect unwanted bicycles to send to reliable partners in developing countries. 
  • Rails to Trails Conservancy a nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C., whose mission it is to create a nationwide network of trails from former rail lines and connecting corridors to build healthier places for healthier people.
  • Free self guided road bike routes and mountain bike trails including maps, cue sheets and trail descriptions. Resources for local bicycle shops, bike safety information and community bulletin board for cyclist to share trail, road and cross country bike trip knowledge. Information about guided bicycle tours, cycling gear and bicycles.
  • Cape Cod Bike one-stop resource for road cycling and mountain bike information for the Cape Cod area with detailed Cape Cod trail listings, a searchable database of Cape Cod bike shops, links to popular bicycle resources etc.

Do you know any other good sites?