Decency, hypocrisy, and the passing of a great woman!

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It has hardly been 24 hours the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and already there are battles brewing over whether she should be replaced before or after the elections due to take place in in 45 days. It is disgusting!

A justice on the highest court in the land has died. Could we not have had at least a weekend of national mourning before the President tweeted about the need to move quickly to replace her, or before the Senate Majority Leader promised to bring a nominee to a vote as quickly as possible. What kind of society have we become?

By any standards, Justice Ginsburg was a remarkable woman and an influential, barrier smashing jurist. Yet the haste with which Republican leaders announced they will be going ahead with a replacement makes it seem like they have been sitting on death watch, eager for this great woman to die. It is shameful!

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Hey Candidates! Just Anwer the Questions and Check Your Facts: Mid-terms 2010

Every election year since 1992 Project Vote Smart, CNN and prominent national leaders from both across the political spectrum survey candidates for U.S. House & Senate, governor and state legislatures on key issues facing the nation. Called the National Political Courage Test, in fact what it revealed was an appalling lack of courage and a complete unwillingness to take a stand.

Only 17% of all 2010 candidates for U.S. House, Senate, governor and state legislatures are willing to tell voters their positions on key issues facing the nation. The rest are afraid of exposing themselves to their opponents.

I was kind of bowled over by that number. Perhaps one way of looking at it would be the way that Richard Kimball, Project Vote Smart President did in a piece he wrote today. In fact this number demonstrates that candidates for office have a great deal of courage. It takes guts to stand in front of a non-partisan public interest group, journalists, and voters themselves, and refuse to take a position, a fortitude that is new in politics, enabled by developments in media. He writes sarcastically:
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