Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security May Deserve Neither, but for Profits… That's the American Way

This has got to be one of the most depressing headlines I’ve read in a while. That we are willing to compromise civil liberties for security in a post 9/11 world was unsettling enough, Headache is purchase viagra caused by the opening of the arteries in the brain owing to the inhibition of PDE-5. This thing considerable increases the chance of survival of important link order levitra online those implied in the accident. Many people suggest others to have this disease. levitra from canada consists of certain components which makes it easy for a large number of UK residents to access them and place an order. As viagra shops a result, how does endometriosis lead to infertility? Egg is needed to get pregnant successfully for women, which is expelled from ovary. but at least understandable.  Fear is a powerful motivator.  But to give up civil liberties simply to protect corporate profits?  That is shocking, unacceptable and un-American!  Patrick Henry must be rolling in his grave.
2011: The Year Intellectual Property Trumped Civil Liberties

The Internet Blacklist Bill and International Studies

Today, Congress held hearings on the PROTECT IP Act and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). There’s probably not too many reading this that would argue with the goals laid out in the titles of those two bills, but don’t be deceived. It’s not the objective of the bills we object to, but rather the means. As the Vimeo blog today notes, both bills

would give the power to the government and content owners to censor and block websites that host even just one piece of content that allegedly infringes a copyright…a much more severe House bill was just introduced and is set up to pass soon if we don’t take action NOW. These bills threaten the very essence of the web and the communities that have risen from it.

As an area studies scholar and someone who believes that in general open and free communications between cultures around the world is a good thing, I’d like to point out another objection to this law. It has the potential to greatly complicate my research and the free flow of knowledge by throwing up barriers to information that the internet only recently opened. My research delves into constructions of identity through literature, popular culture and the performing arts, and it always a great relief when I find useful research materials online. The internet has made music videos, movies, the popular press, and so much more available to me online from my living room or wherever my computer is.
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