International Day of Climate Action and Condoms

Today is the International Day of Climate Action, with more than This was one of over 5,200 events happening around the world. This was one of them. Read about events in and near Boston at There is a great collection of images on Flickr.

Students in Cebu City, Philippines gather in a giant 350 for a photo. (Photo Credit by Vito Selma)

Students in Cebu City, Philippines gather in a giant 350 for a photo. (Photo Credit by Vito Selma)

In this image, Bright Academy students from Cebu City, Philippines joined blogger Esperanza Garcia and people all over the world to make a 350 statement and take a stand for a safe climate future. The photo will be printed in local and national newspapers to spread awareness of 350.
One of the more curious creations is the collage by the International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region which consists of 350 condoms. Continue reading