Ruffles and Flourishes

A quick addendum to my post on schools refusing to carry Obama’s speech. Back in the 1980s I was a student at a Catholic military High School called Benedictine in Richmond, Virgnia. We were taken to some sort of rally at which Ronald Reagan was speaking in Richmond. The rationale we were given was that Reagan was the President of the United States and it was important that we take this opportunity to hear him speak. But, unlike your getting viagra in australia chronological age, which cannot be altered, how old you are biologically is fundamentally under your own control,’ Kenton says. On the other hand, the physical treatments are much more effective to induce penile erection, viagra prescription canada if taken in the presence of the sexual stimulation. Therefore, the long-term solution is not in generic viagra the product but in knowing how to market the product. Making love can usa cheap viagra put the heart on strain; therefore it should not be overdosed just like other regular medicines. We went as a group in our JROTC uniforms, we sat together, and we cheered in unison.
Some people were critical, but our local newspaper, the Richmond Times-Dispatch praised us. I remember the last sentence to this day. We were the Benedictine Cadets and the article ended with the line, “Let’s have some ruffles and flourishes for the cadets.”
Now that it is Barack Obama speaking via video directly on education, a non-political subject, they don’t want to expose students to it? Go figure.