Open Letter to DNC re: Health Care Reform. Listen to Jon Stewart

To the Democratic National Committee:
I can’t tell you how much reading something like this which appeared on the USA Today site makes me.

Critical condition. Life support. Code red.Any kind of medical cliche can be used to describe the state of President Obama's health care initiative.The election of Republican Scott Brown to the Senate gives the GOP the power to block a final health care bill, so the Obama White House and the Democrats are scrambling to figure out what they can do — if anything.
via Obama and health care: Critical condition

If you allow this single victory to derail legislation that should be a priority for the Democrats, then you will have proven yourself a truly failed leadership.  Let me refer you to the following clip from The Daily Show.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
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Political Humor Health Care Crisis

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