News from the Early am

The Capitol

The Capitol

It’s 3:00 am and I was about to go to bed. Two pieces of news have come across my computer screen. One involves a piece of legislation that has been in the works for many months, the other a tragedy involving a young Hollywood talent. In the first item:

Democrats won a major victory in their push for health care reform early Monday morning as the Senate voted to end debate on a package of controversial proposals to a sweeping $871 billion bill.

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Brittany Murphy, © Getty Images

Brittany Murphy

The second piece of news is that the actress Brittany Murphy is dead at the age of 32, “apparently of natural causes” CNN reports. Whenever a young person dies it is sad, but I must confess I know very little about her other than the jokes I’ve heard on late night television, but I do recognize the face. Now the question is which will get better coverage tomorrow.