Nazi Demonstations

Sieg Heil in unison in 2008. Clearly these people don’t understand the history of the Nazi party. Listen to the end of this report in which one man claims they are not against any one group. Tell that to the Jews in Europe during the 1940s. or, for that matter, gays, gypsies and lots of other groups the state deemed undesirable. Perhaps the most horifying thing was to see that there was at least on child that had been brought along on the protest. He looked about 6 years old. There were only about 30 people protesting. In fact, one has to grudgingly respect that they at least have the courage to cling so stubbornly and publicly to such unpopular convictions. Protestors outnumbered the demonstrators by at least 5 to 1, probably much more than that. In fact, there were probably twice as many police as there were demonstrators. It also saddens me that the most unruly people were the protestors. The protestors shouted obscenities at the Nazi protestors and it was 5 protestors, not Nazi demonstrators, who were arrested. Why let people who promote such a despicable ideology look get to you. Now as, the company is trying to expand its this pharmacy store on sale now viagra 25 mg laboratory. This is the reason why Neogra Oral Jelly is used for the sole purpose of treating the erectile dysfunction problem in men. viagra soft 50mg sildenafil samples It is predominantly used for male impotence treatment. Where Sexual Vitality Comes From Legend has it that an ancient Chinese goatherder viagra cheap generic noticed his goats got sexually active after grazing on weeds including horny goat weed (EpimediumGrandiflorum). A small demonstration of radical lunatics promoting an absurd ideology, brought out hundred of protestors and police, disrupted traffic and disturbed tourist, but only because we let them. Don’t take the lunatic fring seriously. Let them stage their protests. When they act and commit hate crimes, then you come down hard. But a protest of 30 people would not even make the news hat it not led to arrests and protests. Why let that happen? ]]>