Academic Freedom Media Review, February 12-19

Compiled by Scholars at Risk
Alabama Shooting Puts Spotlight on Tenure Process
The Associated Press, The New York Times, 2/18
Publish and be dumped?
Laurie Taylor, The Times Higher Education, 2/18
Is Heckling a Right?
Scott Jaschik, Inside Higher Ed, 2/17
Education is the key for the future of Belarus
Bertel Haarder, Cristina Husmark Pehrsson, Rigmor Aasrud, Jan Vapaavuori, Katrin Jakobsdottir and Halldor Asgrimsson, EuObserver, 2/17
At U.N, Bahari and CPJ urge global attention
Lauren Wolfe, CPJ Press Freedom News and Views, 2/16
In a War-Torn Land, a President Works to Make His University an Oasis
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GLOBAL: Education under increasing attack
University World News, 2/14
New Journals, Free Online, Let Scholars Speak Out
Peter Searle, The Chronicle, 2/14
Education Was Also Leveled by Quake in Haiti
Marc Lacey, The New York Times, 2/13
Sentence reduced for Tajbakhsh
Amber Tunnell, The Columbia Spectator, 2/12
Talking About Jane Austen in Baghdad by Bee Rowlatt and May Witwit: review
Holly Watt, The Telegraph, 1/30